Decreasing economic power usually causes prospering the markets, left-wing views of economic and Socialist tendencies. Many countries that had weak economic structures, tended to Socialist opinions or other recommendations close to that. Finally, all of those countries such as Cuba, former Soviet Union and… perceive that such an opinion is like a big lock on the economic door of their country.
Do people that their slogan is “protection of low income classes” really love others?!
If your answer to this question is positive, so should conclude Fidel Castro is attached to Cuba`s people!
Justice, like other human patterns, is a human pattern, and its object is profiting mankind. Thus, economic justice is beneficial and applicable only when it will be to people`s advantage.
What will be the results of such a pattern?!
Today, many American`s capitalists transfer their capital form United States to Swiss, Singapore and… or even some of them renege their U.S citizenship. Because they know there are countries with lower rates of taxes.
Is such affair to society`s advantage?!
Absorbing investment is the best way in order to strengthen economic power of a country. But does an owner of capital enter his/her capital into the country due to high rate of taxes?!
Certainly, America can be changed itself to capitalist`s heaven with lower rate of taxes will be lay on owners of capital. The profit obtained from absorbing investment into America belongs to all of people who live in America. Its minimum domestic benefit will be creation employment, but in external areas it can impact the economic columns of Neo liberal governments such as Russia.
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