Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Ukraine and International Criminal Court

Russia, as before, has used Gazprom as weapon against changing Ukraine`s political policy. But, now Kiev has such situation that it can resist against this Russia's old weapon with resourcefulness.
Undoubtedly, East Ukraine`s militias operations deserve punishment and also, self-proclaimed Novorussiya state is not recognized by any country or any international organization. So, these crimes have taken place in Kiev area and Kiev has the right of trying criminals of East Ukraine judicially.
Evidently occurred crime at East Ukraine as crimes against humanity that was specified in constitution of International Criminal Court is suable. So, due to joining Ukraine to International Criminal Court from 2000, it can leave thou criminal verification of offenders to an international court with status report of East Ukraine to prosecutor of the court.
It is obvious that court interfering to East Ukraine issue causes not only trying offenders judicially, but also, prevents Moscow from interfering in Ukraine affairs. Undoubtedly, political and legal movement causes reducing Kremlin credibility.
Ukraine haven't approved court`s constitution in the country despite that Ukraine has signed that. So, in such situation, approval of this constitution for Moscow means that Kiev is ready to use International Criminal Court's card. 
Since, Kiev reports its situation, so it doesn't need Security Council and also doesn't face with probability obstacle such Veto.
And also, Kiev can do political factoring of this card and can gain wanted advantages from Moscow before performing this card.

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