Maximilien Robespierr said: "Place Terror on the order of the day!"
American mafias and some great companies and corporations are trying to realize their goals through violent crimes.
But no parallel power is acceptable. And certainly no partner is needed.
Entertainment industry is known and identified as a place for organized crimes. Crimes are possible through this channel such as murder, drug trafficking, human trafficking, sale and exchange of classified information and etc. The need to limit the industry is inevitable and the pattern of "entertainment market" will be superseded the entertainment industry.
The house number 12:
Probably some may know the house near Pacific Ocean in Los Angles; this elegant house has not bathroom (and why didn't anyone ask for its reason?) and no one live in there, but "Hollywood Party" is held there some nights. The bodies of some/about 70 victims were buried in the yard of the house that had been murdered by the same way. At least two of the bodies of victims' investigation have shown that they were killed by syringe injection into their lips.
In addition, +some of the corpses were buried in the morning.
Needless to say, videos and photos are taken from the house and the crimes.
Finally, clean up the mess can only be removed by cleaning the perpetrators.
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