Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Syria: The Planned War

The Syria crisis is defined with factors of a "civil war" from the view point of external observers. But if the civil war was the only crisis, it was definitely able to be settled. The Syria crisis is formed by Syrian Civil War in addition with intimate relationship of Bashar al-Assad with Israel and White House. We should honestly ask ourselves, whether a dictator with support of Russia, Israel and U.S. will comprise with the opposition?! 
The purpose of Russia of such supports is naturally different from Israel and U.S. purposes. Russia seeks to expand its influence and power in the Middle East while Israel and United States seek to destroy the economical-political survival of this strategic country. The sovereignty's continuity of Assad regime is undoubtedly the guarantor of Syria's falling. The U.S. can continue to support the armed rebellions in Syria when there is a justification for it and the survival of the Assad regime justify White House's support of Assad's armed opponents. Also U.S. and Israel's secret support of the terrorist group "al-Nusra Front" can only be effective when the Syrian government is weak. A weak isolated government which is under intense international pressure and sanctions cannot certainly fight against different armed and terrorist groups. 
In contrast, Tehran has been sought for a comprehensive and final solution, and designed a plan to solve the crisis. Presidential authorities, powers and political capacity are reduced and also key reforms in Syrian political system are formed on the basis of this plan. However Damascus is supported by Iran but rejected this proposal. 
The only way to save Syria in such circumstances is to change the game. And this change is possible only by Bashar al-Assad's removal. All the manners in order to put pressures directly against Assad and his expeditious elimination are allowed.

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