Tuesday, July 21, 2015

International Law after "2231"

As it was mentioned earlier, the Joint Comprehensive Agreement on Iranian nuclear program cannot be regarded as a historic agreement. Since it will not directly lead to key changes in the global or regional arena. Although it will positively impact the order of the Middle East. The agreement returns the international relations of Iran to a situation that the Iranian government had experienced prior to start its nuclear program. Hashemi Rafsanjani presidential period and the first term of Khtami's presidency are among these times. 
To improve the relations of Iran and West a number of factors are necessary and this agreement is a step, however, is an important step in this regard. 
But certainly the agreement has aspects which can be addressed with a "historic" description. For the first time in the history of international law, the UN Security Council was retreated of the decisions which were made due to binding resolutions. The "immutability" characteristic of the Security Council’s resolutions has canceled by the resolution 2231. It can be strongly claimed that the international law has entered into a new season as well as it has developed. And the resolution will be a model and binding pattern for subsequent resolutions of the Security Council as a judicial decision of a court on a case has such a function in the legal regime of Common Law. Surely, many articles and also thesis will be written about the changes and evolution of the international law on the basis of the Security Council resolution 2231.

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