Justice would be difficult because everyone must be held accountable to his share of responsibility.
It is evident for many American politicians that millions of illegal refuges in the U.S. are a security and economic threat to Americans. After a crime is committed, it would not be easy for courts to prosecute them and therefore, they are great candidates for joining gangs. In addition, some American entrepreneurs prefer to hire them since they demand lower wages than American workers do, and it is an obstacle to economic improvement of the American working class. Thus, there would be no doubt about necessity of immigration law revision, enhancing border security and drafting new internationally agreements with Latin American states in order to return incompetent refugees like those who only seek for a better situation of living and working while essential elements of their life is not in danger.
However, the idea of mass deportation of refugees would not be in accordance with spirit of justice. Since the huge number of current refugees in the U.S. is caused by lack of effective control over borders and numerous international conventions that unconditionally protect refugees.
Rationally, refugee rights must merely be allocated for those who chose this option to rescue their own life or family from an actual danger; and not for dreamers who illegally attempt immigration for seeking a better life. Nevertheless, it has not been done yet, so the system cannot support mass deportation of illegal immigrants.
At the end, those refuge women and children as vulnerable groups who have faint chance to stay in the United States but are eligible for serving the system can be hired by it and benefits from permanent residence in the country. All accepted women must serve at a special and certain region and they must get an identical tattoo.
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