Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Yellow Fans: The People

There are always some fans of a celebrity, sports team, or even a political candidate, who are considered ‘yellow fans’, i.e. those who cannot be identified as true believers but are actually ‘users'. So influencing them does not follow the orthodox methods. Perhaps like a short-term and occasional relationship that only limited to sexual intercourse, and the character and personality of the parties are not into question at all, while, and both are aware users. Of course, no mind is invulnerable and one's mental aperture (if discovered) is needed plus a few seconds to plant a seed. But all the techniques in this regard apply when one only wants to shoot at a mind or crack into it, not blowing up an intellectual bomb. 
One of the traditional ways of promoting an idea or a new cultural thought is to present it, for instance, through celebrities. The rise of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram raised the hope for many that cultural and social leadership would move forward with greater speed and power. But the results of projects have been far from the hopes and expectations and have shown another face of reality. Although the long-term results may be more promising, but even the analysis of British programs has not shown different outcomes.
Anyway, changing people's minds doesn't necessarily change their lives. Even if people experience or enjoy some changes in their lives, they try to classify them among their own secrets. These secrets are their truth, but the reality of their lives is something else. And that's another problem that has been overlooked. Therefore, sometimes the success of a project in changing people's minds is not translated into the emergence of these changes publicly and openly. While what changes the world is not faith but action; what makes a society religious is merely the action of the people, even if most of it is pretension. 
And what changes the culture throughout the ages is the change of order. As the political order in Afghanistan altered, the cultural order began to change: a period towards liberalism and then towards fundamentalism. Technology can change the order too. For example, Instagram alone has had a role in changing many people's lifestyles or habits, isn't it?! 
So the question is, what technology or even innovations can govern the desired social order of the system?

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