Wednesday, April 18, 2018

North Korea and Chinese Hegemony

There is no doubt that Pyongyang is dancing for Beijing; moreover, there is a significant difference between Moscow's perspective toward hegemony and the ones of Chinese government. Since there is conflict of interest between the Washington DC and Beijing in the Asia and Southeast Asia, finding the covert purpose of China in seeking peace over North Korean issue is in question. 
The main question that should be answered is: What will be the desired plan or order of China after the possible settlement of North Korean case? 
It seems that the new story or second phase will begin by economy. "Fear" or maybe "threat", are the key elements that keep the current order in the region. But after disappearing of the threat and lifting of sanctions on North Korea, the economic ties among states are the sole permanent parameter that will shape the new balance of power in the Asia. 
Penetrating the economic and cultural structures of North Korea would be more important than deactivation of its nuclear and military programs. Western corporations and South Korean entertainment market can play their parts in this regard.

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