Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Tehran: A War Plan

2006 Lebanon War has always been an ideal model of war before the Islamic Republic of Iran and at the current time, the regime is trying to provoke the U.S. in order to launch such a war; a short-term conflict. 
Iranian leaders have believed that they are able to resist against a short-term war while they are hopeful that the political and economic considerations of Trump administration would restrain a long-term war. For sure, the ultimate winner of a short term-war with all of their desired parameters would not be Tehran since it would leave devastating damages for the Iranian government. Anyway, as everyone knows, Tehran has never had any long-term vision and a short-term victory is all it needs. So, a short-term war would not be a proper option. 
At these critical moments, some find no way but a long-term war and some other is seeking for a negotiation. 
 First, a tempting long-term war is not acceptable. Such a war could occupy a large portion of the U.S. military, politically and economic concentration and it definitely would be a gift to Russia and China. Bear this in mind, the U.S. involvement in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and consequently, the vacuum of its power in the global balance of power was one of the main causes of re-emergence of the Kremlin's threats in the world area. 
Secondly, a negotiation at this point of time is just like a lottery but it is important to keep the upper hand. 
Three leverages can be assumed against current threats of Iran including economic war, covert war and resorting the UN Security Council and International Law to form multilateral measures against Tehran, which would be more possible in the next weeks.

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