The Best Middle east order pattern could be implemented and began by with the fall of Assad's regime. Although this did not happen, but this does not mean that other routes to enter a new Middle East and to modify the order dominating would be inaccessible and impossible.
Now with regard to Assad's desire to perpetuate his kingship in Syria on the one hand and the confrontation of Syria with issues such as severe international sanctions, economic damage, strained relations with the region and the recognition of the Syrian opposition on the other hand, provides the creation of a new opportunity to change the order in Syria for the international community.
There is no doubt that Bashar al-Assad is forced to get rid of at least the pressure of sanctions, political isolation and the opposition which he has recognized to return its previous position.Thus it can be said that today's Syria is in the same status that Vietnam was in after the war ended and this means a great opportunity for Washington to be able to lead Damascus the way it likes through playing the pressure cards.
Thus, we can predict that as of today there is nothing but the name of socialism in Vietnam, in the future Syria there would only be a name of Bashar al-Assad and his regime, whereas the general policy has changed.
Islamic Republic of Iran and Hezbollah are considered as the effective players in the order of Middle East which have a direct impact on the fate of the Israel and Palestinian are the allies of Syria belonging to Bashar al-Assad. Therefore, Assad's changing political practices in the international arena and towards issues like Israel and Palestine could definitely be replaced with radical thought as a model for its friends in Tehran and Hezbollah. But it should not be forgotten that Syria in contrast, will have the chance to receive support from the governments and various groups by selling its energy for a cheap price!!!
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