On the contrary to the expectations, the accident of Mosul has not been a good opening of a story for its writers. Where are those who wrote the game theory of "ISIS"; those who designed the project of the “heating of the geography” in the Middle East?!
Where are those who were so powerful until six months ago, that, world powers did not even dare to question them?!
Some are still alive. The cause of their survival is not their former power, but they have become so feeble that they have lost their real existence.
Yesterday, the American friends in territory of the U.S. and today the Great Britain attempts, to filtrate them. Surely tomorrow, the Germany that has been hesitant about the decision will join its two partners in order to filtrate and purge the mob shadow cabinet.
Cat's companies and even his restaurants (which also include restaurants that Cat did not have the official ownership) were a place to commit organized crimes. A significant number of employees of these companies and restaurants that were involved in these organized crimes and could certainly provide comprehensive information for the British agents specially about the involvement in "Mosul" project with the cooperation of the club (; the French club), were Cat's Polish employees.
Today, the largest and richest private intelligence agency of the West has been disintegrated and stopped and the signs that were used by its members to communicate with each other has been invalid, but attempts to purge personas non grata is continuing and will continue until the full deployment of the secure order.
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