Monday, October 13, 2014

ISIS: The Separation

Some believe that ISIS was given a time. The basis for such a belief and claim is that the threat of ISIS terrorists was taken seriously only when the militants of this group occupied Mosul in Iraq.
In response to this claim, it should be said that until the past one year and a half ISIS has just been a terrorist group like any other terrorist groups (which was exclusively indirectly supported by Damascus in the Syrian Civil War).
Therefore, ISIS's power did not increase gradually but was suddenly boosted. In fact, ISIS could regain much strength when it was selected as a candidate for the project "heating of the geography" in the Middle East; a project which was directed by several groups around the world.
The Iraq war has clearly indicated that the terrorists are not fighting for victory but for the destruction. Terrorist is like someone who attempts a murder-suicide; he kills both himself and the others. So, hasty selection of military option in dealing with terrorist groups would not result in any outcome but failure. 
The clandestine strategy to destroy ISIS was based on two basis: First, to defeat the projects that ISIS was known as a major player (in order to remove the elements which was making sense of selecting ISIS for playing the game) and Second, the secret prosecution and removal of those who have been involved in the ISIS project (to eliminate external support from this group). 
These operations caused ISIS to reform an independent terrorist group, like other terrorist groups, so the design of destruction or deterrence would finally become possible. 
In addition of these, the resent message from one of Taliban branches to the ISIS contains some covert as well as overt points which are necessary to be reviewed:
There is no need to analyze overt contents, but it is important to explore the secret one.
If you concentrate on this part of the message which states to ISIS "set the competitions against each other aside", it is possible to reveal the content of the undercover message. The word "competition" has a negative meaning in this context and refers to some sort of dissension among high ranked ISIS members. Therefore it can be concluded that Taliban is playing a role as a double agent who reveals ISIS' confidential information and is not a real ally for this terrorist group. So, the threat of integration of ISIS into the Taliban has been already vanished.

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