Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Tragedy of Wars

The fall of the two Arab dictators, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, were both victories that were achieved as a result of the successful application of military force. But both these successes became changed into failure after a while. Although todays' political changes in Iraq has raised the hope that the United States would once again return its victory in Iraq.
But the study of these failures can help to improve and modify future strategies.
Shortly after the fall of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, a new threat of "terrorism" threatened Iraq. The Bush administration correctly identified the threat that Sunni militias and Shia insurgents had caused in Iraq, therefore, in order to keep its victory in Iraq, the president George Bush decided to apply the military option, a costly options which could only buy time for the Bush administration, but could not solve any problem.
The unfortunate memories of the Iraq war and the frustration from the use of militarism to resolve global issues caused the act of "negligence" of Obama administration to the potential dangers that were threatening the Libyan revolution after the fall of Muammar Gaddafi. The lack of identifying these threats (, the threat of the emergence of extremist militias) caused a huge waste of the potential resources from which the United States and its allies could take advantage.

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