Oleg Tsaryov, the self-proclaimed speaker of "Novorossiya's" Parliament has been recently announced in an interview with Le Figaro newspaper that the separatists give up their demand based on the achievement of political independency. And they called for federal government in Ukraine with the full autonomy for the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk, instead.
Therefore, some points about the political and legal status of Ukraine should be said necessarily.
Representatives of the separatists legally accepted in the Minsk Protocol that they do not have the required legal capacity for political independency to be claimed. Therefore, following the agreement the Russia's position changed about east of Ukraine.
What was the last comment of Putin before this agreement?
He supported of creating an independence country and the idea of eastern Ukraine political independency.
But the achievement way of political independency was blocked after the Minsk Protocol. And since the Moscow was aware of the fact, then has changed its political tactic. The idea of federalism in Ukraine is supported by Kremlin for months, instead of the eastern Ukrainian independency.
What is the goal of Kremlin of creating federal government in Ukraine and full autonomy of the areas controlled by separatists?
The autonomy similar to that of Scotland and California (despite the fact that mentioned states have not full autonomy) enables the separatists that achieve full political independency through a legal referendum.
Needless to say, the right to self-determination is of the basic elements of full autonomy.
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