Two Iraqi children were kidnapped in Baghdad about three months ago. These two brothers with the ages of 7 and 15 years have lost their entire family members including father, mother and two sisters in a bombing last year. From then onwards they were living alone with each other and with no umbrella of any institute or legal guardians until a few months ago they were kidnapped by a terrorist-mob group and transferred to Turkey. Now they are captures somewhere in Istanbul.
The group committed this criminal action is required to bring them to a legal entity in an Arabic country by the end of December 2014 without harassing them or even leave them alone.
Definitely an Arabic country would be better for both parties; for these children whose mother tongue is Arabic and for kidnappers whose identity is not registered in that country.
Otherwise, and if any action or omission is committed and realized unlike the demand, the group should be expected for the consequences of its crimes.
And in respect of this group and its express request, we emphasis, no agreement is valid in order to lower the dollar's value to create a social unrest and riot.
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