To stop the war in Syria arms shipments to Syria must be stopped.
Bashar al-Assad and Russia have similar viewpoints about the Syrian crisis. Moscow backed down from its position in the Ukraine Crisis but it does not want to the same on Syria.
The system calls for peace in Syria and it will do everything to accomplish this goal. Thus, Iran is requested to temporarily stop arms shipment to Syria. Because weapons motivate wars, and Syria does not need a war but diplomacy.
Needless to say, Russia and Assad cannot continue this war without the assistance of the system and Iran. This means that the end of war or full implementation of the ceasefire is not dependent on the decisions of Bashar al-Assad and Moscow. The system and Iran's withdrawal from the war will force Syrian president and his Russian counterpart to accept peace and diplomacy with good faith.
Russia has proved its ill will toward Iran. Moscow could immediately send S-400 to Syria and confront international criticism, but even after the lifting of sanctions to Iran, it does not send S-300 to the country. Accordingly, a secret of the recent gift of King of Bahrain to Putin, which was a unique sword, and Russia-Israel relations can be decoded.
There is no doubt that if the West gives proper concessions to the system and Tehran, leaving Russia and Assad behind will simply be possible.
In the end, $200 trillion must be withdrawn from the US banking accounts and transferred to Europe in order to increase the bargain ability of the system in any cases. $500 billion of this fund should be given to Iranian government to solve environmental issues of the country. And it is worth to mention that Zionists could easily repair the Israel’s economy, which is on the edge, but they did not because they have had no real ties with the Israeli community.
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