Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Israel-Palestine: Possible Peace

After decades, Israel and Saudi Arabia as the leading actors of the Middle East, both have indicated true will for governing peace over Israeli-Arab relations in the region. Still, reaching a steady peace between Israel and Palestine definitely requires semi-withdrawal by both parties from their unrealistic positions. However, the lack of common understanding among the involved parties could waste hours of dialogues and frustrate any plans. 
Above all plans and dealings, it must be considered that conservatism is not only the spirit of cultural and political structures of Arab nations but a symbolic criterion of power. Therefore, it is no surprise to find out that changes can only slowly take place in such societies. In sum, Arab states are not ready for great and rapid changes. So it must be figured out that the mere common interests would not lead to a dialogue with common understanding in respect to the mentioned issue. Keep this logic in mind, for making any progress in a traditional society, one should always have an "undo" option, otherwise, the fear of transition from the status quo would hold the society from moving forward.
Therefore, no new element is entered unless by taking the appearance of old and known ones; the change would not be made unless it is infiltrated. For instance, temporary dealings like de facto recognition of Israeli and Palestinian states by both sides can give the confidence to Arabs that changes will not necessarily steady or irreversible.

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