Lebanon is the only Arab country where Christians form around half of its population. Therefore, Lebanon is at a vulnerable position toward the danger of terrorism. Terrorist groups in the region may allow Muslims to survive by imposing tough rules and harsh condition but they never give other faiths such a chance. They would kill and enslave the Yazidis and the Christians.
If Lebanon's Hezbollah has been a terrorist organization, Christians, Sunnis and those who do not believe to any spiritual faith but having fun in Beirut's bars must have been complaining about Hezbollah. But why none of them submit even a report against Hezbollah, which is a Shia political and paramilitary organization?!
Traditionally, a terrorist group is one that tries to impose its own ideology or faith to others by force. While Hezbollah has a moderate attitude toward social and cultural issues and it has not attacked freedom of people in Lebanon yet though the domain of freedom might contradicts Islam and Sharia Law. Politically, Hezbollah committed to democracy and diplomacy and it never tried to abuse its military power to occupy Beirut by a coup while the present condition of the country could be tempting. In addition, it would be a useful training to sometime answer to arguments rather than repeating old allegations.
Political instability of Lebanon is an evident fact and considering its own vulnerable position and critical situation of borders with Syria, strengthening Hezbollah is vital to keep counter-terrorism powerful.
Removing competitor is the nature of politics and without a doubt Tehran, Bashar al-Assad, Hezbollah and perhaps Yemen’s Ansarullah are regional rivals of the West in the Middle East but eliminating them, thorough unusual, unprofessional and hastily acts could only create crisis. This approach of the Western States needs revision.
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