Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Iran: A Greenhouse Revolution

The Saudi government intends to launch a military assault on Iran. But since the idea of such an attack is not in compliance with international law and may destabilize the regional order, the system disagrees with it. Nevertheless, Riyadh and the other states may provide the situation for implementing the R2P. It is evident, both domestic and international considerations should be met for application of R2P. For instance, the EU's green light and support would be among notable international factors in this regard. 
A critical economic situation for many of the Middle East nations is not a sufficient motive force for starting a revolution. Gaza and the city of Sanaa in Yemen must be convincing examples in this respect; even the collapse of living standard in these areas could not make the people rebel against their corrupt political leaders. 
The harsh economic conditions might be the seeds of a revolution but there is faint chance to achieve such a natural revolution in Iran. But the current economic circumstances in the country facilitate the possibility of making an armed opposition group. And this crafted rebel group would play two functions: overthrowing the regime and activating the option of R2P for the other states against Tehran.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Tehran: Army's Policy

A democratic and stable state forms the society and universities on the pillar of diversity while it makes the army on the basis of uniformity, but an unstable dictatorship acts the reverse. 
The army that is shaped upon money and force is a potential threat to the security. Whereas, money (for commanders) and force over soldiers are the foundation of armed forces of Iran. The forces would probably join people in case of mass uprising, and thus, a civil war begins. Keep in mind, today's Syria is the product of Free Syrian Army, the forces who left the Syrian Army. 
The system must offer new identity, safe residence and money for Iranian commanders who render sensitive and classified information. 
Current Iranian soldiers are tomorrow's potential insurgents. The system must provide a set of acceptable financial and non-financial benefits in order to encourage them to leave the army and join the militia, so that there is no need to non-native mercenaries.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Iran: Anomie Program

The system believes in no faith but good faith. 
Several conflicting elements are forming within Iran that warn a possible anomie just like Libya. Growing public dissatisfaction on the one hand, and on the other hand, as everyone must know, "chaos is a ladder" for Iran's Revolutionary Guards. 
Iran's civil war is now possible but it seems that the Revolutionary Guards is ready for that. Therefore, it is not a good time for a mass revolt. The system should disrupt their calculation and make sure that the circumstances are suitable for an uprising or even a civil war with a clear and promising future. In this regard: 
First, Syria's Assad removal must be back on the agenda again.
Second, Saudi Arabia should be encouraged to declare a conditional peace with Yemen's Houthi insurgents that entails provisions against Tehran such as cutting off all ties with Iran.
Third, economic and political expense of Iran in Iraq must be boosted. It is possible by turning the country into a serious competition field between Riyadh and Tehran. Surely, both Iraqis and Saudis would welcome this situation. 
Forth, the concerning ties of Saudi-Pakistan might be ended with an opportunity for Iran. Fortunately, the US enjoys of required means and advantages to fix this situation. And let alone that Pakistan army, intelligence (ISI) and Taliban forces can freely and independently take action, which might be handy. 
Fifth, the system and Washington must provide proper incentive packages for Iranian people. Given the inefficacy of Cuban version of this measure, the system should work with European capitals to form comprehensive packages over migration and other humanitarian requirements, which are essential for the West to gain the upper hand and take the lead. 
Sixth, a consortium consisting of the system, APIC, Israel, the US and EU should be formed over Tehran's future, instead of directing Iranian oppositions. The interests of all active and passive parties must be ensured as a priority.