Wednesday, February 21, 2018

North Korea: A Different Threat

It is not hard to know yourself; staying at your own position is matter. 
China and Russia are two main actors of the world and whereas the term "new world order" was initiated by the U.S. but Washington DC is not the player that is going to take over the globalization. War on Afghanistan and Iraq were the best post-Cold War gift to Moscow in order to get a recovery. And now, the White House is surrounded by small and unnecessary issues including North Korea. 
Although paranoid politics is not a wise approach but finding the climate change and subsequently, the Paris Agreement as Chinese hoax and dismissing the very Pyongyang play, is not politics anymore. As the North Korea case is in the question, China is enabled to benefits from the Korean conflict. 
Neutralizing the North Korean card is the best move in favor of constant security and against Beijing. At this point of time, the White House should concentrate on the world order, globalization, the current major and emerging actors such as India and Brazil.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Climate Guideline

Searching for covert functions of things is an art of politics. Climate change is an "urgent threat" to humanity. And of course it has been considered a concern for all. So first of all, one should address the political and legal issues in respect with the Paris Agreement. 
Given the fact, that the most greenhouse gases are emitted by the United States and China, it can be claimed, the idea that promoted a global agreement such as Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement as a solution has been incompatible. Although, the climate change is a hazard for all around the world, but just like a possible nuclear war in the Cold War era, the problem can only be settled by the states that are roughly responsible in this regard. Apart from a possible mutual agreements between U.S. and China, the EU as an active player can close separate financial and commercial contracts with Washington DC and Beijing, which include some climate conditions and obligations. 
Moreover, confronting the climate change can produce its own life style for the youth who want to be activist, intellectual and different at the same time. Without a doubt, it contains anti-consumerism thought but reversely, it itself, strengthen the green tech markets and stuff like that. It might be useful later. Therefore, the system must make it into a brand.