Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tehran: Public Diplomacy

As previously mentioned, the public opinion and political analysts' opinions would play an effective role on formation a nuclear agreement. Therefore, it is necessary for the Islamic Republic of Iran to first create a political unity in the country because as long as there is no political unity in the country, the discourse will not form; and second, political officials should use exclusive card of "good faith" to attract international public opinion and analysts' vote of confidence, the card that was recently burnt in Congress and the crisis of Yemen by Washington and gave away to Iran; and thirdly, Islam (in Muslim world arena) and international law are the only accepted discourse for Tehran. 
The nuclear agreement will form on the basis of the international law. After agreement realization, none of its parties have the right to review or violate it. The Article 27 of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treatises stated that: 
"A party may not invoke the provisions of its internal law as justification for its failure to perform a treaty." 
And also the first section of the article 46 of the Convention: 
"A State may not invoke the fact that its consent to be bound by a treaty has been expressed in violation of a provision of its internal law regarding competence to conclude treaties as invalidating its consent..." 
P3+3 states have adopted the Convention (although the concept of the articles is part of customary international law); therefore, violation of any agreement is unauthorized and causes the international responsibility of states. It is obvious, particularly on the Iran nuclear negotiations that concerns over Congressional movement has no place in the reality; however, it reveals the legal knowledge. 
In all of the international agreements, it is agreed on the issue of "legal settlement of disputes" via inclusion some provisions and clauses in the main agreement or through contract an independent agreement. 
It seems that International Court of Justice would have more appropriate effectiveness and competency in dealing with all of the international agreements disputes. And it is not a popular idea to resume wholly or in part the Iran's nuclear program in the case of breach by the other party (i.e. P3+3).

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Arab vs. Arab

Patience of a small girl who lost her legs because of a bomb and patience of a young boy who lost his father in a heavy bombardment will not be without rewards. 
The Arab community should ask itself that who will be the winner of an Arab-Arab conflict. And it was also necessary to ask others the meaning of the term "operation" before use it; before mock themselves. 
Arab governments have destroyed two Arab countries (i.e. Syria and Yemen) so far because of their fear of Iran. And three members of the Arab League, Libya, Syria and Yemen were demolished by Arab states or with their supports in less than a decade. Also, Arab powers not only keep silent on Gaza war because of fear of Iran but also did not support Palestine financially to reconstruct the Gaza.
Yemen is not part of Iran. Syria is not part of Iran. Palestine is not part of Iran. But all of them are parts of the Arab League and community. It could be concluded that Arab community will destroy itself in order to save its reputation while Iran will not lose anything of its lands, values and real benefits as the invasion of Iraq and Saddam collapse did not weakened Iran or even cause to its blockade. 
History will record how old and with Alzheimer's disease rulers have destroyed Arab community by Mossad's order and green light of the West.

Monday, April 20, 2015


Writing the nuclear agreement is definitely required to apply the legal knowledge. But the White House American team does not have sufficient knowledge to set up a political agreement based on the principles of international law. Wendy Sherman is for instance unable to negotiate according to international law. Therefore, the US will attempt to negotiate on less important or even solved issues in new round of nuclear negotiations. And this is wasting time. Thus, the initiative of the negotiations should be taken by Iranian negotiators.
Hence it is required to identify some points: 
First, the discourse and literature of nationalism is not able to attract global support for any country. So it is necessary for Iran to be relied on the discourses of international law and Islam to attract the world supports. 
Second, the sanctions matter is one of simple but controversial node of nuclear debates. The recommended solution by international law is to referring to the principle of reciprocity. Reciprocity is an accepted rule and a jus cogens in international law and treaties. And the rule has been accepted at Switzerland statement with prerequisites of verification of the IAEA. Considering that any exception to the rule is valid when is announced expressly, it should be remarked that the principle of reciprocity at Switzerland statement has not been limited to anything but verification of the IAEA.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Cinema of Codes: Iran

Those who access to Iranian classified information and have seen the Iranian movie "Barefoot in Heaven" certainly know that it was a customized movie. 
Some hidden aspects of the country are secret prisons which their number has become much more than past and allowed insanitary and infectious penalties to the prisoners. It must be clear that their continuous activity is very worrying. 
However, it should be known that Iranians are hardly able to be informed of such a reality and the actors/actresses are not exception. 
There are some movies made in the US which most of their actors and viewers had no information about the hidden realities of them. "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and "A Beautiful Mind" are for example such movies which their leading actors knew nothing about the hidden facts of these films. 
Both of the films were about a method or technique of purge and removal done by the system. 
John Forbes was mentally full of health and not schizophrenic, but since his access to classified information was assumed as a threat, he was eliminated. We can also point to the case of the pink diamond in the movie "The Pink Panther" as an example; apparently nobody knows about the real fate of this ancient and sizable diamond which was stolen from China years ago and now is collected at a private collection.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Quran: Political Islam

If the necessary religious norms and principles exist in order to establish a political system then establishing a theocracy is possible. It must be known that although criminal law and civil law can be set based on Torah and Bible but the religious texts do not have needed potential to create a theocracy. This is despite the fact that Islam has sufficient capacity in order to provide political rules to run a government. 
It is useful and important to study Quran in order to explore and discover the political Islam. And considering the fact that it is not possible to check all of Quran's parts in the form of an article, the word seeks to address one of the lesser-known topics of Quran. 
There are 29 ayats in Quran known as its secrets. For example, Alif Lam Mim (2:1), Alif Lam Mim (3:1), Ta Ha (20:1). 
These ayats are meaningless for both the Prophet Muhammad era and contemporary era. The existence of 29 pointless ayats in Quran is unacceptable and irrational; they surly contain concepts because if they were absolutely meaningless then they were not written in Quran. 
Therefore, it can be concluded that these ayats contain meaningless words but they carry a message or meaning. In other words, they are codes. Obviously, specific people are the recipients of codes. It is believed that the first time of using "code" technique for sending messages comes back to 1400 years ago and relates to Quran.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Iran: Politics, Cinema and Blue Blood

Constructive and positive role of Iran in Tikrit liberation operation and prevention of Yemen collapse have been boldly required by the system. And now it can be claimed that balance of power has been an achievable goal. And in the arena of culture, it is an indisputable fact that the cinema of Iran has been able to provide a new model for Islamic community; a pattern which is harmonized with Islamic culture and modern manners. However, the phenomenon of "Filmfarsi" and particularly the interest of producers on this method of film making damages the Islamic and Iranian aspect of the cinema. Unlawful damage must be stopped and weeds should be cut off with good faith to realize the desired cinema of Parviz Parastui, Fatemeh Motamed-Arya, Negar Javaherian and the people of Islamic Iran. 
The system seeks an optimal balance of power in the Middle East to end extremism. Without doubt, the Pan-Arabism and Terrorism are considered the highest stage of extremism. And Islam is the common point of Middle East nations. Therefore, the moderate political Islam is the only political model which is able to govern peace in the Middle East; and neither the Secularism with the risk of extremist nationalism nor the extremist Islam with the risk of religious war occurrence. 
So it is necessary to support the Iranian state and nation positive activities and it is essential to coordinate Iran's nuclear program with this cycle since otherwise it is like a drugs or cigarette; a good start, but a bitter end. 
Reminding that: 
Nishapur train left with 290 passengers but its explosion destroyed fully a village. 
And alsoWho did prevent the imminent nuclear explosion in Iran? It seems it was a miracle! 
Miracle does not happen twice!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

How We Can Change the Decisions of the Security Council?

Nuclear agreement with Iran and the text of this agreement have the transformative importance on political and legal structure of international community. So some points are necessary to be known before the emergence of this agreement. 
Undoubtedly, it must be admitted that the agreement draws a new season of international law and in fact certainly changes the nature of Security Council character. Because this agreement will be written firstly based on international law and also due to this agreement the Security Council will cancel all the sanctions against Iran. It should be noted that the Security Council sanctions were imposed according to international law. (It is worth mentioning that the EU and U.S. sanctions against Iran will have no place in international law studies because they are invalid in international law system.) 
This issue is certainly the basis for the questions and hypothesis which will be addressed in international law thesis and articles in the future. 
Security Council decisions have similar validity to mandatory rules of international law. Then, the question is: 
Why does Security Council repeal the imposed sanctions against Iran while Iran's nuclear program is still continuing? 
It is despite the fact that the Security Council had decided to stop the Iranian nuclear program completely. 
This agreement is indeed nothing more than an agreement to restore the situation to the former case. Iran commits again all the obligations which was already responsible during Khatami's presidency and the West returns the sanctions terms to the former situation as well.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Yemen: Shia Genocide

Based on the documents which never will be removed but will be released at the right time, the Saudi Arabia regularly supported and fed ISIS project. 
ISIS crimes did not begin since its foundation or even from the time parts of Syria occupied; this terrorist group's crimes against humanity and its genocide began when it was entered into the Iraq's Shiite country. Considering the fact that the ISIS terrorist group has been supported by some of the Middle East governments and now some groups are worrying of the possibility of Mosul release. Since from the beginning Arabic countries wanted Baghdad Shiite government to fall via ISIS. 
The reason of Arabic states support of ISIS as well as their support of Saddam Hussein in the war against Iran is as the same as Riyadh attack to Shiites in Yemen under an illusory operation. It should be said that the main target of the attacks in the last few days have been citizens and residential area in Yemen and not the militia or military zones. 
It is obvious that it is a genocide against the Shias which is supported by some of the Arabic governments and Israel. 
And in contrast, Iranians cannot be indifferent about the issues of Muslim world from Europe to Middle East. Keep in mind that Goražde, the city which was not overthrown in the Bosnian War because of the Iranians’ support, was the starting point of Bosnian Muslims conquest in the war against "Muslim Genocide" launched by Serbian extremists.