Wednesday, November 6, 2019

About the Past for Tomorrow

Swear by all the crimes that saved the world... 
Everything is mortal unless it is attached to the eternal essence of truth. And now, the root of some of actions and decisions:
First, the future world belongs to powers that operate free from any limiting paradigms like ideology, ethics, and nationality. The system is not going to be part of tomorrow but it is the tomorrow.
Secondly, always what's important is that the game is executed correctly. So it is way more important for the system agents not to participate directly in games; victims of a game are countless while the winner is only the game itself. 
Third, decisions may change at any time to keep the game in its track. While there is no reason to always intervene, sometimes it is only needed to watch. 
The lives of many agents are now an integral part of contemporary world history, but the ultimate goal has not yet realized. Governments in their current form will have no place in the future. The transfer of power to the people is taking place naturally and gradually and the system must only accelerate it. In a world without governments, the system must be the architect of its order.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Sexuality and Personality

The bedroom in Lucy's Room was an essential element as it reflected the true faces of persons. 
Psychological analysis of the personality of individuals is an important source of decision-making. But the face hidden behind the mask cannot be easily identified and analyzed. The bedroom of ordinary people is not out of two modes, which is either a reflection of the individual's personality or personal elements are substantially neutralized. If the latter is the case, it may be concluded that the person either hides facts or attempts to suppress or disregard his or her own nature. 
But sometimes a bedroom takes the appearance of a mask. So all the information that can be extracted from its analysis is nothing but part of the deception. However, what happens in the circle of a room, including in the area of sexuality, often reveals one's personality. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that sexual activity does not necessarily reflect the nature of individuals. And it should not be imagined that all people are fully aware of their sexuality. Even in a sexual activity, perhaps only some of the details that may be so simple and trivial represent a part of one's sexual personality.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

About Lifestyle & 2020

People's lives are beautiful because it is the manifestation of the art of cultural engineering. 
The Green lifestyle is gradually growing. And again, people are overtaking politics; the dreamers who want to save the world from an environmental apocalypse. This lifestyle develops until the responsibility of "saving the world" is not left to the politicians.
Let's not deprive them of the blessing of this war, but the aesthetic of it is to be designed and refined by the system because it still has problems. Therefore, it should be emphasized that the beauty of this movement and lifestyle is to be seen as rejected by the political community. (Even though serious efforts have been made by many governments and even industries to find realistic measures to tackle climate change.) 
Apart from the Green lifestyle, the progressive society in the U.S. is experiencing a similar situation. And given what has been said, as well as strong recommendations from some, Joe Biden can rest assured that he will not be hampered by the system in the upcoming election. And although politicians like Senator Warren and Sanders are more qualified to lead the White House, it is more convenient for the progressive population in the country, especially the youth, to remain in the political and social opposition. However, the system's new position on the 2020 presidential election will certainly set new expectations before Biden and his friends. And also even if the system's final decision is made in opposition to the extension of Trump's presidency, it should be acknowledged that the administration has done most of its tasks properly.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Russia: An Unfinished War

Iran is one of the key issues in the Middle East. However, even dealing with Iran's threats alone can create opportunities, but the Russian issue is quite different. 
Bush's miscalculation and neglect of Moscow's threats should not be repeated. Nevertheless, the focus of the international community is on the Middle East. While neither Russia is weak enough nor even predictable. 
Russia's all-out the intelligence war in 2014 revealed a reality: Russian silence is just a disguise for their threatening projects. Currently, both Russian intelligence and survivors of removed Moscow-linked mobs are calling for a new war. They are looking for some sort of revenge. Needless to say, their ability has declined sharply since 2014. However, the system's members must be secured even in hell as a top priority. Therefore, a new war must be declared against all remnants of the removed mobs and all the groups in which they operate directly or indirectly. It can be considered a test for Moscow; if they do not want war, then they will not interfere in this fight, otherwise, and if the war is inevitable, the system itself will set the zero hour.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Tehran: A Piece of Silence

Many of the violent crimes are motivated by irrational causes. This is the reality of the world; a fact that reminds one that the 'life mechanism' is not everything for everyone, or at least always. 
The US maximum pressure policy on the Islamic Republic has worked is spite of the expectation of some politicians. But the one thing that has been overlooked about Iran for some time and will probably be fixed in the future is the psychological and cultural status of Tehran. The policy of maximum pressure against the Islamic Republic must continue in silence. In such a case, the Iranian government can respond fully to the pressures. Psychological warfare against Tehran only provokes them to show an immediate and emotional reaction. One cannot get on someone's bad side and then expect a rational response. 
Leaders of the Iranian government are mentally unprepared to play a political role; they are attached to a variety of non-political parameters in a political arena, like an actor who is dependent on the psychosocial deterrent elements of his real-life role. Such an actor resists not only nudity but also any role or act that is far from his true character. The director must play the role of a psychologist as well.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Yellow Fans: The People

There are always some fans of a celebrity, sports team, or even a political candidate, who are considered ‘yellow fans’, i.e. those who cannot be identified as true believers but are actually ‘users'. So influencing them does not follow the orthodox methods. Perhaps like a short-term and occasional relationship that only limited to sexual intercourse, and the character and personality of the parties are not into question at all, while, and both are aware users. Of course, no mind is invulnerable and one's mental aperture (if discovered) is needed plus a few seconds to plant a seed. But all the techniques in this regard apply when one only wants to shoot at a mind or crack into it, not blowing up an intellectual bomb. 
One of the traditional ways of promoting an idea or a new cultural thought is to present it, for instance, through celebrities. The rise of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram raised the hope for many that cultural and social leadership would move forward with greater speed and power. But the results of projects have been far from the hopes and expectations and have shown another face of reality. Although the long-term results may be more promising, but even the analysis of British programs has not shown different outcomes.
Anyway, changing people's minds doesn't necessarily change their lives. Even if people experience or enjoy some changes in their lives, they try to classify them among their own secrets. These secrets are their truth, but the reality of their lives is something else. And that's another problem that has been overlooked. Therefore, sometimes the success of a project in changing people's minds is not translated into the emergence of these changes publicly and openly. While what changes the world is not faith but action; what makes a society religious is merely the action of the people, even if most of it is pretension. 
And what changes the culture throughout the ages is the change of order. As the political order in Afghanistan altered, the cultural order began to change: a period towards liberalism and then towards fundamentalism. Technology can change the order too. For example, Instagram alone has had a role in changing many people's lifestyles or habits, isn't it?! 
So the question is, what technology or even innovations can govern the desired social order of the system?

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Latin American: The People

The globalization of human rights, which has entered a new phase through the emergence of the doctrine of responsibility to protect, reinforces the notion that political and cultural borders cannot exempt states from fulfilling the human rights obligations. However, the idea of good global governance should not be limited to human rights. Some strategic and geopolitical resources have trans-regional and global value. Frontiers should not play the role of a fortress for failed states, especially if they are unable to properly manage these assets. 
Latin America is one of those areas where much of its geopolitical capacity remains untouched. Nowadays, Latin America has no ideal among leftists and no hope through right-wing path. In such circumstances, the primary function of the economic problems is displayed: The people become masses and that includes the educated population. Everything is ready for the masses engineering. 
Communists and Socialists have long fascinated Latin American cultural and social atmosphere, but today, after decades, an opportunity to re-engineer the masses in Latin America is just found. This opportunity can be used to run trial versions of the project that can be known as 'the system people' – the project that connects the system directly and indirectly to the people. And it is worth mentioning, the internationalist essence of the system and its unique approach upon human rights and security are all in line with the needs of Latin America. 
Everything must be clear over modeling process of masses engineering and therefore, there is no need to say that for instance, a "Noam Chomsky" is enough to find out how many people in society are interested in a certain lifestyle, idea, and style of civil struggle. It is not required to focus on one model. The main investment should be concentrate on ideas. Various social and cultural models can be presented through individuals, groups and other ways to discover the most applicable ones. Eventually, based on the data, one can combine the best variables and present the final version that should act as the Trojan horse of the system.