Thursday, March 26, 2015


The ambitions of Israeli Committee who is secretly called the group "Ethaniati" and on the other hand the resistance of the system as center of the international order regulation against these ambitions caused something called "War behind Closed Doors" to be created for the first time of Israel history. Certainly, the system is not one side of this war. What did the system was burning the Netanyahu, the core player of Israel. Traditionally, Mossad eliminates the burnt actors in order to maintain the guiding power of Israel. But the group "Ethaniati" has been against the idea about Netanyahu. 
However, the outcome of the dispute between Mossad and the Israeli Committee will be giving up of one of the two fronts not deletion of one. Therefore, the result of the dispute will not change anything for the benefit of the system. 
Hunting the Israeli spies will be continued. But, regarding to this that "Ethaniati" has been extremely vulnerable as a result of losing Mossad supports and other private intelligence agencies and mafia as well as reduction its influence on the Republican Party, it is necessary to be completely destroyed as soon as possible. This opportunity must be used in order to restore the balance to the existing order. 
Using all forces and strength is allowed in order to realize the goal of destruction.

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