Sunday, July 26, 2015

Palestine: Limited Time

Supporting Palestinians is a success for the system even though it does not lead to the end of Israeli occupation over the Palestinian territories. Because the political influence and credibility of Israel will be decreased under the international pressures, and it increases the opportunities for the other powers.
The high-powered Israel would never end the occupation of Palestinian territories. But if Israel is weak, it is likely that its government forces to resolve the issue. And Netanyahu is the only option that can weaken Israel domestically and isolate it in the international arena (although Avigdor Liberman could be the best option for the task). Indeed, Netanyahu can be compared with Ahmadinejad. Ahmadinejad weakened Iranian economy and isolated the country internationally. And grave economic problems in Israel alongside the isolation of the government in the international arena in the last few years are the comparable points in this regard. 
Undoubtedly a smart Israeli politician such as Tzipi Livni who is supported by Mossad, Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. and even some of the Arab states can easily run the "Restart" plan for Israel through deceiving the public opinion. And it is worth mentioning that the Joint List is an Israeli card in order to deceive Palestinian. 
The international pressures against Israel will not be unlimited and perennial because Netanyahu administration lifetime is not unlimited. Therefore, Palestinians have limited opportunity to put pressure on Israel to be weakened. 
Palestine could become a member of ICC through the supports of the system. And this is only one of the numerous cases of the system's support of Palestinians. So if the Palestinians want the constant supports of the system, it is needed to make realistic decisions.

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