Wednesday, November 11, 2015

From Syria to Yemen

The ISIS has been the designer and executer of the Russian plane crash. The sponsors of this terrorist network had no role in this crime. It cannot be denied that the systems as well as Britain Intelligence Agency were aware of this plot and if the system's friends were of the victims, it was stopped then by the system. Nevertheless, the power of ISIS would not reach this level if the Syrian crisis had been resolved earlier. 
 However, this should be reminded before examining any proposal on resolving this crisis that the Syrian army has fought against militants and terrorists under the commands of Bashar al-Assad for more than 4 years. Obviously, the army is loyal to Syria's current president. But if this element of loyalty is removed then Syria will enter a new stage of crisis that is impossible to be stopped. A war on Damascus by Syrian army would be a real possibility. The army should not become a new threat against Syria. So, only those are capable of assuming the leadership role of the country that can gain the army's trust. 
The system identifies Iran's proposal as a useful plan, but since it is necessary to gain the trust of others, the system presents a counteroffer based on the proposed plan. 
1. Changing the presidential system to the parliamentary republic in Syria via amending the constitution. 
2. Bashar al-Assad can remain as the Syrian President as long as the security and stability is established in Syria. (Keep this logic in mind that the wise decision of world most powerful leaders on Japan's Emperor Shōwa after the World War II has made the new Japan.) 
And in respect of Yemen, according to secret talks of Western powers, the UN Security Council has a limited time in order to finish the Yemen war. On the other hand, they do not want to leave behind another failure. But the expanding role of Iran in the Middle East, which gives the power of veto to Tehran in its international relations, and disability of Saudi Arabia in the management of its domestic and foreign issues bring about new competitions against Riyadh: from conspiracy of Saudi princes against the kingdom to efforts of Abu Dhabi in order to replace Saudi Arabia in the region by itself.
Without doubt, a surprise attack through a new surge would be the only option of Saudi-led coalition. So firstly, Yemeni army should be notified. Secondly, two separate operations against Riyadh or its allies will be performed inside or outside of Yemen by two separate experts of the system as soon as possible.

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