Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Iran: An Unwanted War

To avoid an unwanted war, a comprehensive war plan must be provided. 
As it was predicted, Tehran is trying to get a war for its nation. And it is essential to acknowledge the fact that the element of the time takes side with the host country in a conflict, and therefore, "buying some time" is no option for the US government. One can take over the crown in a short time just like Iraq and Libya wars, otherwise, it would be gone for good like many other wars in Vietnam, Syria, Yemen and even the 8-year-war between Iran and Iraq. So in case of lack of victory, it is most convenient for the White House to prepare a list of secondary objectives to be able to safeguard its prestige by accomplishing them. 
And in this regard, the Iranian regime may try to develop the battlefield to areas beyond the country in order to make the U.S. switch its position from offensive to defensive. The best solution to deal with the potential threat is to launch attacks against the capital and other strategic cities that are capable to quickly become guerrilla operations centers in order to trigger a civil war at the same time. Meanwhile, the role of public diplomacy must not be neglected.

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