Sunday, December 8, 2013

Fiction Method (Part 2)

We have two types of narrator in a fiction: first person and third person. In the first type, the story is like an Autobiography. So the whole story, events and thoughts is narrated by one of the characters inside the story. The reader will be informed of the events that the main character of the story knows and wants to narrate or the reader will know only about the main character's thoughts and motivations. While fiction has a third person narrator, the writer can be in several places in one moment or he can enter the thoughts of whoever he wants in the story and reveals them. Now we provide an example to make the differences between fist person narrator and third person narrator clear: Subject of first example: Albert gives Anna a rose with a deceptive intension. First person narrator (Anna): He gave me a rose; I think he is a romantic guy. Third person narrator: Albert gives Anna a rose while he only intends to sleep with her for a few nights but Anna thinks differently. She finds him romantic. Subject of second example: Albert is a 22 year old man and Anna is 14  but she seems to be 16. First person narrator (Albert): Anna is neither very young nor very mature; perhaps she is a 16 or 17 teenager. Third person narrator: the 14-year-old Anna knows that Albert is some years older than her so she tries to look older with wearing more make-up and it makes Albert think that she is older than her real age. So this is obvious that when we have a first person narrator, characterization of other characters of story forms according to the first person's point of view, thoughts and judgments. For instance, if the first person is optimist, he looks at everyone with positively.

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