Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The U.S. Elections: About a Neglected Spot

The system has some goal and what will make these goals to be achieved is that the system performs its guarantees in the form of alternative projects. 
15 years ago the system needed candidates who were able to implement its plans, but today the system has enough power not to require the US support. The system does not need a politician to launch a war or declare peace, negotiate or impose sanctions and make interventions or give green lights on behalf of the system. The system prefers the White House not to interfere in the US internal and foreign affairs. What the system wants is that neither the right-wing nor the left-wing have a fundamental decision-making power. Now, considering that Congress is under the control of conservatives and the White House is led by the Democratic Party, this goal has been realized. This situations leads to the formation of power vacuum in Washington, and the system is the only power that can fill this vacuum. It is apparent that such a Washington is unable to pass the federal budget, let alone the "gun control"!  Therefore, changing the situation is not in favor of the system. So, the review is needed for the system's favorite's candidate. 
And in respect of the Middle East: 
Given the fact that Moscow policies are adopted emotionally and unconsciously, the system prefers not to take any new decision on Russia until establishing the new conditions on Russia-Turkey relations or returning to the former status. 
Under the project "Secure Order", all illegal intelligence agencies should be removed. Therefore, the list of names and places of IAEA's spies and also, 2015 Mina disaster's documents and all related data must immediately be sent to 11 Revolutionary Guards Corps centers in Tehran. (The security of the spies' family members is the system's redline.)
And it should be said that cinema belongs to the youths, so it should be led by youths. The system will only invest on the very young actors and directors in the Iranian cinema. It is hoped that Islamic Republic's authorities embrace this idea so that a new wave of Iranian-Islamic cinema is started. 
Tannaz Tabatabaei is an agent of French intelligence.

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