Saturday, February 7, 2015

Secrecy of Secret Israelis

An old Israeli secret society is still active within the system while all of the System-Israel relationships have been cut and Israel continues to feed the terrorist group ISIS. Ten people of the system are members of the society and Steven Cohen as the first member is the chair. 
Cohen, the 58-year-old man should be asked: Why the existence of the society has yet been hidden for the system? 
Why he did not announce even the name of one the group members who worked for him? 
With this incentive in mind, all of the 9 members are of plain-clothes and non-celebrity agents. 
No one hides a legal action for 15 years! Then why Cohen did so?!
If his action did not treated a crime, then why did not unveil it?!
Also, who commission the Syria mission to these agents? 
The system or Israel?! 
Of course, his secret cooperation with Russia and China must also be added to these items. And certainly, there are significant questions in this regard to be should asked of him. 
Complete information about the society's activities, missions and members must be obtained. 
From now on, none of the ten Israeli double agents are considered the system's members. 
Any attempt by Cohen to get close to Israel, Russia, China or any intelligence agency and mafia is prohibited. 
Effective monitoring should be applied to prevent any suspicious action or omission. 
The removal of the "security" label of all of the ten society’s people is the penalty for breach of this award.

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