Saturday, November 23, 2013

Diaries of 68+1 (Chapter 6)

Now Alvin has less time than before to protest in Wall Street. He is not lazy but it is difficult for him to make a balance between university and movement. Alvin has never been patient but he wants to be united with patience and time because of Ariana. Some people like to read a nice story. But he prefers to live inside a nice one. Nonetheless he thinks that Ariana is an in-experienced girl who can't refuse all requests. So he calls her and wants to meet her in a friendlier place. They have met four days ago for the last time. In fact she doesn't like to treat like other girls by the way she wants to have such a meeting. But she needs a reasonable reason for having such a meeting with Alvin. His request is friendly but he uses serious sentences. The meaning of this request is unspoken words that he wanted to tell her. He is so serious in stating the subject she doesn't know about that allows her to accept it.

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